joyrideavenue Feb 13, 2010 13:40
people: 10a13!, people: red hot ares!, ♥ late nights out (:, memoirs: epic shit!!, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, ♥ its just.. love, people: og26 ftw!!!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Feb 10, 2010 23:21
people: 10a13!, people: awesome friends!, people: red hot ares!, people: og26 ftw!!!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Feb 04, 2010 23:28
♥ it made me smile, people: red hot ares!, ♥ its just.. love, thoughts: insecurities, people: og26 ftw!!!, 2010: hwachong ad infinitum!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Feb 03, 2010 21:08
people: 10a13!, ♥ late nights out (:, 2010: hwachong ad infinitum!, memoirs: beautiful nights ♥, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, memoirs: nostalgia, people: og26 ftw!!!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Jan 30, 2010 00:35
♥ Starbucks!!, music: boys like girls (!!!!), *omgah!!!*, music: concerts, 2010: boys like girls!!!, late nights out (:, 2010: hwachong ad infinitum!, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, ♥ its just.. love, people: og26 ftw!!!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Jan 24, 2010 00:21
people: n6 dancers!, thoughts: musings, people: awesome friends!, ♥ Starbucks!!, ♥ late nights out (:, memoirs: epic shit!!, random: conversations, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, ♥ its just.. love, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Jan 19, 2010 22:51
people: awesome friends!, of food and total gluttony!!, people: awesome foursome is love!, hwachong: dailies, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!, people: anig happypillz!
joyrideavenue Jan 05, 2010 23:28
people: awesome friends!, of food and total gluttony!!, ♥ late nights out (:, memoirs: epic shit!!, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, enigmatic subtlety, ♥ its just.. love, 2009: awesome holidays!!, people: awesome foursome is love!, thank you for being there, people: anig happypillz!, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Jan 01, 2010 02:19
♥ late nights out (:, 2010 new year!, 2010 resolutions, 2009: awesome holidays!!, memoirs: beautiful nights ♥, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!
joyrideavenue Dec 30, 2009 23:19
people: n6 dancers!, ♥ it made me smile, not doing day justice!!, ♥ its just.. love, enigmatic subtlety, 2009: awesome holidays!!, random: movies, of simple joys and bubbling happiness!